Savage Bitcoiners: Interview with Coinicarus 

by Pirate Beachbum | July 21st, 2020 | vol.4

Savage Bitcoiners_pirate_beachbum.png

Name: Coinicarus

Country: There is only one, Bitcoin accumulation country!


How long have you been into Bitcoin and what got you interested? 

It will be approximately 4 years in oct/nov 2020 that i have been in Bitcoin; I came to Bitcoin because I needed a medium of exchange that isn't tracked by the traditional banking system. I also did not enjoy driving to sketchy places, to meet sketchy people. I immediately understood the strength of Bitcoin in reducing friction, this feature alone captured me.  


How did you come up with your alias and why don’t you use your real name?

Ah! the famous alias story; I have always had a liking for the mythical story of Icarus, messenger to the gods, who flew too close to the sun and burned his wings. I came up with Coinicarus because I don't like the word crypto, and I didnt want to ‘bit’ or ‘bitcoin’ something (too many accounts like this already), so I stuck with Coinicarus. It's actually pretty funny that most people I've spoken to cannot  pronounce it right, unless they are familiar with the myth of Icarus. :) The reason I don't use my real name and have an anon account is because I'd like to be judged on my content and what I contribute. I feel like it's a great way to cut through some of the noise that doesn't need to be there.


Best Bitcoin experience and worst Bitcoin experience?

This is tough, there's a few of the best and worst; I consider myself very fortunate. 

Best Bitcoin experience: Participating in the LN trust chain, building my first lightning node. Asked to join the TCBP when it was still a tiny twitter group (Taco Carnivore Plebs) Meeting the coolest, best people I've ever met in my whole life. Starting my podcast. 

Worst Bitcoin experience: Realizing many (not all) of the Bitcoiners I first came to respect were just self important shills.  


What is the biggest fail you have ever seen in the Bitcoin world?

Besides, I’m going to have to say’s totally confusing fucking affinity scams, trying to lure unsuspecting investors into shitcoining. And of course any venue that allows Craig Wright to speak is a total and utter fail.  


What do you think about the Bitcoin markets volatility this last year?

I am not much of a trader at all, but I believe the recent lack of Bitcoin volatility may be an indicator of major calculated accumulation. Do I have any evidence? No. Do I have some form of special knowledge or tea leaves? No. This is just my impression. 


What are your thoughts on the recent halving and how will it affect price this next year?

The fact Bitcoin is ‘not ded’ is huge! I actually think it's been very good for the Bitcoin price that we have spent most of our time between 7-10k. It looks like our base is growing, and we are holding steady. I hate giving price predictions, but I think we will be much higher by dec2020 - we’ll see. :)


What is the biggest threat of COVID and elections in the US to the economy?

I'm not going to speculate on the validity of claims, or the conspiracy elements. I think that COVID sweeped the leg of our economy. It showed us where, and how big the cracks are, and how unresilient we are. We are too dependent on debt creation and centralized third parties, and as a result we as individuals are disempowered. 

The elections are just more noise right now. 2020 needs an ‘undo’ button.


What are your thoughts about the US Federal Reserve injecting so much money into the economy because of COVID?

My personal opinion is that they have done this to further entrench us into this morbid tax slavery game they’ve devised so cleverly. We’ve all grown accustomed to it, and mostly don’t question. Every time the cycle goes bust, more and more average citizens lose their land and their ability to provide for their families; but most importantly the Federal Reserve subversively and indirectly owns more and more of the country's resources.


How do you think this affects Bitcoin?

Money printer go Brrrr always bodes well for the king of antifragility in the long run.


Why do you think some people, especially noobs gravitate to shitcoins?

  • Fooled by the tech (this is prob one of the major reasons people become shitcoiners). They think tech matters… but just stop and think; if tech mattered why is the banking system using such antiquated tech? The answer: because it works! It does exactly what it is designed to do, nothing more, nothing less. 

  • Lack of understanding of what money is. 

  • Lack of understanding of why bitcoin is the most superior form of money. 

  • Unit bias: you can get so many of (insert random shitcoin name) than you can of Bitcoin.

  • Basic greed, and the desire to make ‘fast money’.

What do you think most shitcoiners miss about Bitcoin? 

That it is doing exactly what it is intended to do. And also they have been fooled by the points I provided in response to the last question.


What do you have to say to shitcoiners who claim Bitcoin will fail?

So far history is proving them wrong. Something else they should ask themselves: why would all these Bitcoiners sell their Bitcoin to move into ‘random shitcoin name’? Not a single shitcoin was born of societal need. There is only one coin that was made to fight the system, and that is Bitcoin. All others have been born as pale imitations to the one true king. All these other coins were born to rob unsuspecting fools of their Bitcoin. Bitcoin was born in the darkness to be the lightbearer.


Who is the biggest Bitcoin sell out that deserves to be put on blast? 

That's a tough call. I would  say Trace Mayer is the most recent major disappointment; there have been so many through the years LOL. 

Any tips for people on Bitcoin twitter?

  • Dont have idols!

  • Dont be afraid to ask questions 

  • Learn the difference between noise and signal


Who are some of the most hardcore Bitcoiners you know and why? 

Damn!! K i will start by saying one group, the entirety of  TCBP - and here i’ll single some folks out. 

Hodlonaut Bas Awyeedeaterbob Saint sasquatch PirateBeachbum PsychedelicBart leffe jimbocoin Candle Rory MartinTan Wolfnode BlakkBull readmorebooks

I apologize to everyone I missed. The reason they are the most hardcore is because they give no passes. Every single one of these people have been brutally honest with me, and often their comments make me reflect and ‘check myself’ so to speak.


What Bitcoin startups or companies are you most excited about? 

I love the myNode RaspiBlitz projects, I call it the Bitcoin Operating System. I like 21isenough’s lightning ATM. Although they are not ‘Bitcoin base layer’ type projects, I think they are very important for adoption and the pace in general. Looking out, I am excited about discreet log contracts.


What are your goto Bitcoin storage options? 

I have been fortunate enough to test several hardware wallets, my answer im sure will be controversial; I use a Trezor, and I also use a Coldcard with Wasabi. Trezor I enjoy for the ease of use, Coldcard I like all the enhanced security and airgapping capabilities. There is always tradeoffs, and I think once you have all the information, it simply becomes a matter of comfort and preference.  


Any tips you want to give to people new to Bitcoin? 

Everyone needs to read this article especially if you are new to Bitcoin.


Name some of your favorite information sources and/or podcasts in the space.


Book - Creature from Jekyll Island 

Podcasts: Bitcoin Audible, Bitcoin Rapid-fire, Citizen Bitcoin, Bitcoin Kindergarten, Bitcoin and…, Plebtalk podcast, Bitcoin and markets.


Any last words of wisdom?

“Humans are endowed by nature with two eyes: one to see their neighbors’ virtues, the other to see their own faults.”

- an old proverb


Pirate Beachbum has been into Bitcoin since 2014 and doesn’t consider himself anyone special. Over the years he has written dozens of articles about Bitcoin, and interviewed many of the top minds in the space. Most people know him from co-founding a rogue group of Bitcoiners, who call themselves the Bitcoin Taco Carnivore Plebs, with his good friend Hodlonaut.