1. Nobody Owes You Anything.
The world doesn’t owe you a single thing in life, so you shouldn’t feel entitled to anything. If you do fall for this mindset, it will set you back in life and you will make poor choice after poor choice.
If you don’t fall for this and take on life as a ruthless alpha, you will be rewarded through your hard AND smart work. I remember learning this from a young age from my parents, but also I heard this quote from a movie that just stuck in my head and never went away:
“I see now that the circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are”
2. You Have To Do What's Best For Yourself.
I’ve been told countless times to do certain things by people who claim to know what’s best for me. You know what observation I’ve made? Almost all of them recommended me things that THEY wish they’d done, not necessarily what’s best for me. Now that’s not to say some people can’t give you good advice, because I’ve reached out to multiple people on Bitcoin Twitter for career advice, and they’ve all been spot on.
It’s all about finding out who you want to be in life, and how you want to get there. When I graduated high school, I didn’t really want to go to a 4-year university, as I felt I would be wasting my time and money. I wanted to dive headfirst into Bitcoin and see what else it could offer me outside financial rewards. I was made fun of, told I was wasting my time, and more. All by people who are mainstream normies, telling me I should drop Bitcoin altogether and go spend my time drinking alcohol, doing drugs, partying at University, and “spending my youth having fun, not working”. Which are just lame excuses not to work hard on yourself.
Going against what everyone wanted me to do (friends, parents, siblings, acquaintances), I decided to focus on Bitcoin while working a job and going to community college. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made. I’m self-educated, financially stable, and ahead of all my peers who went to a four-year university. And I’m only 2 years into college. It was not an easy decision, and I also had many doubts about straying away from the typical path and making my own. But as I got more educated on Bitcoin, and met so many smart Bitcoiners who helped guide me, I knew 100% I made the right decision.
3. Don't Believe Everything You Read. Dig Deeper.
Don’t trust, verify. This is something that applies to literally everything in life, and must be taken seriously.
Someone trying to sell you shitcoins? They’re scamming you out of your Bitcoin. Someone trying to sell you fake food? They’re scamming you out of your money and health.
There is so much fake news on the internet, and it gets very overwhelming. Keep in mind there are so many gullible people who love believing the first thing they see, and would never dare to think for themselves. So chances are if you see someone controversial online, there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye.
Don’t be a sheep and take the time to see what’s really going on. If you fall for everything you read, you’re no different than the average individual.
4. Read. The More The Better.
I used to hate reading. I thought it was boring and nerdy, and I wouldn’t want to get caught reading a book by my friends or family and have them think I’m some weak nerd. I finally started reading (more books) when I met a girl last summer, who told me she liked reading, and read often. After talking with her daily for weeks, it made me realize how stupid I was for having that view on reading.
The more I read, the more I realized that uneducated people don’t read, and that most successful people read. Reading is arguably the best way to obtain and retain information, so if you don’t read, you’re missing out. Not only books, but articles, tweets, and other forms of content. The more information you absorb, the better. And it’s much better to read than to sit around watching TV.
5. Don't Sit Around And Wait For Things To Happen. Go Make Them Happen.
If there is something, literally anything in life you want to do, just do it. Don’t be a soy boy beta and make excuses as to why you can’t do something.
You want to learn Bitcoin? Then sit down at a computer and start. You want to get rich off Bitcoin? Then get a job and stack sats. You want your dream job? Then stop at nothing to get it. You want to ask out that pretty girl from class? Then get up, walk over to her, and ask her.
These are all things I’ve done and continue to do personally, so I can tell you it ain’t hard. Any doubt or fear you have is all in your head.
6. Networking And Valuable Skills > College Degree
While for certain jobs a degree may be important, you don’t need a degree to have a good life. In fact, most people going to university nowadays are making their lives worse by going into debt, and procrastinating the real world for 4-8 years.
It doesn’t matter if you have a degree, because that doesn’t guarantee you a job anywhere. You will get hired if you can provide value to a company. Nobody is going to hire someone of no value and skill just because they have a degree. That’s why it’s important not to waste time when you’re young, and start working on something, literally anything.
Whether you’re at a conference or on Twitter, make sure you’re the dumbest person in the room. The only way to learn is to learn from successful people straight up, and learn how they got to where they are. Making these new connections shows you’re different from your younger peers, as they see you as a potential employee or business partner. The more you build up your reputation and keep at it, the better opportunities will come.
7. Actions Speak Louder Than Words
It’s incredibly easy to talk the talk and not walk the walk. This is what separates the winners in life from the losers. Everyone wants to be successful in life, but most people won’t ever follow through on trying to obtain success.
If you really want to achieve something in life, then you’ll work towards it. If you don’t and all you do is talk about it, then you don’t really want it, you just like the idea of having it.
You’ll meet so many fake people in life who says one thing to your face, then act completely different. Fuck them, they don’t matter. Like seriously, they don’t matter. Kick the fakes out of your life and keep hustling.
8. Money Rules Just About Every Aspect of Life.
Money controls more than you may think. It controls politics, the quality of food we eat, how we view our future, and so much more. If you’re uneducated on money, as most people are, you need to research hard money and the benefits of it.
Humanity and civilization have only thrived under hard money until greedy governments took it away from their citizens for their own benefit.
Research until you understand why Bitcoin is the hardest and best money to ever exist, and why the world is heading towards a one-world currency. Altcoins are not even in the question, they are scams and mess up economic calculation. Think multiple currencies can survive? Think again, because even today with multiple fiat currencies, everyone still only wants US Dollars.
Find the hardest money, and stop at nothing to obtain it. There is only 21 million Bitcoin that will ever exist. If you think you can go to university for 4+ years, or waste your young adult life fucking around, and still have the opportunity you have today, you are heavily mistaken.
9. Ignore The Haters.
Lions don't care about the opinion of sheep. There are so many people out there that will try to bring you down for the dumbest and most unnecessary reasons. Block or mute, and move on. And yes that goes for people in real life also, not just online.
Only betas feel the need to overcompensate for their thoughts on something important to them. Stand up for what you believe in, and if people don’t like it, then fuck’em. While it’s fine to debate people on things, you can definitely tell who’s the salty soy boy and who’s the alpha.
If people around you put you down, don’t be afraid to find new friends who will take you to new heights. There’s nothing wrong with keeping in touch with old friends, but it’s time to stop hanging around the same losers you always have. Meaning the ones who have the crabs in a bucket mentality, and keep you from growing.
You’ll never get anywhere if you don’t grow, and over time you’ll feel worse and worse knowing you’re missing out on your potential.
10. Do What Makes You Happy.
Stop trying to please everyone, it’s beta, and it’s impossible. It will make you unhappy trying to please everyone, so you might as well please yourself. Live life the way you want to live it, but also listen to constructive criticism.
Make sure you’re still taking risks and living life, don’t hide behind comfort and be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. Put yourself in difficult situations, because that’s the only way you’ll progress in life. With that being said, you can go at your own pace.
Going at your own pace isn’t an excuse for not doing anything and telling yourself you’ll get started soon. No one is going to tell you when or when not to do something productive, so you got to have the hunger for success. The faster you go and the more you work on your goals, the faster you’ll achieve them. And if that’s what makes you happy, then become obsessed with smashing your goals.
Thanks for reading, you taco plebs. I hope you enjoyed my thoughts on things, and that you send this to your precoiner/new zoomer Bitcoiners. Keep on stacking 😎🍻
Nik is a 20-year-old Bitcoiner, sat stacker, and taco pleb. He got into Bitcoin while in high school, and is now creating a full time career in the space. He has interned for Tales From The Crypt host Marty Bent, and is currently the social media manager at Bitcoin Magazine.