by Swedetoshi | Apr. 21st, 2020 | vol.1
The text in this article is an unedited paste of Swedetoshi’s free flow rant in a Telegram chat with hodlonaut about his FUCK FIAT sticker series, thoughts on his artistic process, what motivates him and his interactions with Bitcoin Twitter.
Oct 5th
That was the day that the FUCK FIAT started to happen
I remember it like it was yesterday
I like to imagine some heroes of the past and what would be their reaction to bitcoin
It was very late one night or early depending on whoever would judge
I was looking at that striking image of the johnny cash picture
He looks very anti authority
Pissed off
So the idea was to do just do a few photoshops of some ppl that had been following me
And it grew very organically
Nothing was preplanned
And a lot of ppl started showing up
Which surprised and motivated me to keep going with it
And they were done rather rapidly which surprised them because they did not expect it
I started adding some funny comments to the posts to make it a bit more humorous
Because i really was having a blast
I stayed up about 30 hours straight memeing it out
It was quite a marathon
One thing i will tell is this
I like to just randomly surprise ppl
When they do not expect it
I was doing it back on myspace in the mid 2000’s
Just pick a random person and come up with something photoshopped or animated
And their reaction is always interesting
Even if there was no reaction at all
I have a history of doing this kind of thing
I am self taught, no formal training
I mainly just do it for fun
So the fuck fiat thing took a natural evolutionary path when there was some gravity attracted to it
And learning a bit about twitter and new ppl too
Many ppl who i interact with today
I might have never known about
Possibly introduced some ppl to others as well
I did a few animations related to later
Around that time i started messing around with making my own stickers of some things i had come up with
I had never made stickers before
It was all experimental and they turned out with fairly good quality from a variety of factors.
then shortly thereafter decided to surprise everyone once again with a big video featuring their own stickers that they had no idea about
I took the vid down a bit later because u know the music rules but it was pretty popular
Also something incredible happened
I think before the vid post
I got anonymous tips
Huge ones
100,000 sats at first
Then a million sats
It was mind blowing
I did some digital vids also before the sticker vid
Some ppl were immediately interested in the stickers
Which blew me away as well of course
But i was not set up for it and my process was not set up for speed plus I had some issues to work out with tools of production
And no online store obviously
So i kind of had to take a step back and think about it all
every part of the process is done by me
Design, template, print, laminate, chop
For quality and opsec reasons of course
Interacting with ppl on DM is interesting
Because some ppl will be very interested and then do nothing and others jump right on it and have a high time preference for getting some of the stickers :)
Some ppl ordered over 100
It was crazy
Once i had a good process down
It was not an issue in production. I found ways around the past problems
But another issue came up unexpectedly
I would send ppl some bonus fuck fiat stickers of other ppl on twtr
And they were confused as to who to tag or who they even were looking at
There was another issue with the letter spacing that needed to be fixed
So i revamped all of the previous ones i had done
And there were a bunch
It was a huge undertaking too
fuck fiat 2.0 became a reality soon after a few orders had already been fulfilled
Names added in
Better spacing on the FIAT word
And bitcoin symbol
It was late november by that time
And i felt a little bad somewhat
Because ppl had ordered & Received the older 1.0 type
and then i did this redesign
i was troubled a bit on how to make it right somehow without them possibly feeling jaded or something
So i decided
everyone who had ordered these 1.0’s before
I will make the new 2.0 updated ones for them and send them a few of those with a letter and holiday card
one thing was how do i do it in a way that is still a surprise because these were all being sent to different parts of the world simultaneously
I’m telling you
I get a thrill out of surprising ppl and the holiday timing of it was great
So there is a little background on fuck fiat for you :)
what i do is very random mostly
An idea just pops up and I run with it sometimes
I visualize it and then tinker with it until i like the outcome
I get a rush from creating

Swedetoshi is a simple cat living in a complex world of Keynesians. He gets a real thrill out of surprising people at random with some words, photoshops and animations. The space cheetah is massively inspired and motivated by Bitcoin, and the amazing community interactions surrounding it. Words and memes from the Bitcoin community often spark ideas that drive him to share back some creativity with the universe.