Building the Future
by Gunnar Stødle | Mar. 21st, 2021 | vol.10
Finding Truth
In any technological revolution, a race for access and control takes place.
Investments in the new tech bring a speculative mania once people begin to understand the world changing potential of the innovation. Scammers and fraudsters come out of the woodwork and start selling alternative versions and copies of the tech to the uninitiated. It takes a little while before a new standard is established and people begin to accept and build on it.
Coinciding with the reckless buildup of debt and easy money of the last 50 years, the rapid development of computer- and information technology have grown to be a major part of our lives. The slot machine design of the user interfaces keep people compulsory scrolling through their feed in their social media echo chambers. The tech giants who are controlling the user data and the narratives have become the most valuable companies in the world.
Machine learning and artificial intelligence are being developed and used to manipulate the perception of reality and manage the opinions of billions of people around the world. You can see an example of how this and who some of the players is in the recently released Shadownet Documentary.
In this brave new world, finding truth is like searching for gold — not an easy task.
However, since information is free and the powers that be are more and more desperate to keep controlling the narrative, more and more people see trough their lies and start to break free of their programming.
Despite these powerful tools to manipulate and control the masses, I believe the powers that be are fighting a losing battle against truth and the spirit of man. You see, once the curtain is lifted and the players of public opinion are revealed for all to see, their power crumbles like a house of cards.
Once you see the game for what it is and discover a fundamental solution to the problem at hand, you rush to help build the alternative system of governance without regard to the bullshit ramblings of naysayers and skeptics captured in the old ways of the world.
Scammers and fraudsters are called out, and over time you learn to slay your heroes who compromise their values, get captured by power and greed and start to work for the dark side.
Building Better
A grass root movement of dedicated volunteers build, protect and spread the gospel of this nascent technology, and constantly guard against being co-opted and neutralized by the corruption of the powers that be.
In Bitcoin, these people are often called Bitcoin Maximalists, and their fundamentalism, conviction and drive is quite a sight to behold.
Building a better money and future is not an easy task.
The army of people who are toiling away at the core of this most peaceful revolution deserve the outmost respect. They make significant sacrifices to their lives and their reputation for going against the establishment and building an alternative system. Not only are they risking their careers, they are risking their life going against the most powerful people and power structures in the world. This may explain why so many builders, pioneers and promoters of this revolutionary technology take on pseudonyms and try to remain anonymous for as long as possible.
Luckily the development and adoption of Bitcoin have been allowed to grow strong, under the radar of most of the big players in the legacy system. If only they knew what was coming 10 years ago, they would maybe have stood a chance to stop it.
I firmly believe Bitcoin is now here to stay and that it is to late to stop what is coming. This movement has taken on a life of its own and is, literally by design, paying people to protect it. Both friend and foes defend it for their own ends and are in the process securing the network from being co-opted by any one party.
Ralph Merkle, the inventor of cryptographic hashing, perfectly encapsulate the profound invention of Bitcoin.
“Briefly, and non-technically, Bitcoin is the first example of a new form of life. It lives and breathes on the internet. It lives because it can pay people to keep it alive. It lives because it performs a useful service that people will pay it to perform. It lives because anyone, anywhere, can run a copy of its code. It lives because all the running copies are constantly talking to each other. It lives because if any one copy is corrupted it is discarded, quickly and without any fuss or muss. It lives because it is radically transparent: anyone can see its code and see exactly what it does.”
A new form of life has entered the digital space and will transform society in ways not yet fully understood. It incentivizes its own growth and survival by offering an irresistible service and advantage to its users and the people choosing to build upon it and maintain it.
Bad political economic policies, currency manipulation and never ending wars will be discouraged and limited by hard economic reality and truth. No wonder people are exited and intoxicated with belief in this revolutionary technology.
Bitcoin is, and that is enough.
You move in direction of your focus. Be aware of what narratives you surf. Alwasy focus on learning and creating, do not focus on problems that may hinder you in following the story flow towards a solution and a new way.
As a part of the process you will see why a focus on solutions is the best way forward. Focusing on how to navigate the threats in your environment, freely, privately, and swiftly, while transacting outside the system of rules you don't want to be part of, leaves you with a path to a better world. Others will follow your virgin tracks and in time establish a new trend.
I wish you all good luck, and see you on the other side of history.
Thanks for listening, and God bless you all.
Gunnar Stødle is a norwegian carpenter, skibum and Bitcoin holder, working, thinking and living in the mountains. He has been studying economics, money, philosophy and social shit since the 90’s. He builds stuff in the summer and uses his winters in La Grave France and exploring new terrain around Tyin, Jotunheimen Norway. He is currently finishing up a remote citadel: "Terrapin Station", and will spend time there from May to December when working, and rent it out during the winter and easter vacations while in La Grave.