The World is Heliocentric, Not Egocentric
by Bitko Yinowsky | May 21st, 2020 | vol.2
Creativity was pretty much written into my code from day one. Bitcoin was lurking in a parallel universe next to mine for a few years before I finally discovered it. But once I did, it preoccupied my thoughts and creative mind ever since. As Victor Hugo said; "Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come".
Bitcoin's time is now!
It's hard to find such a concentration of highly intelligent, but at the same time intellectually curious people in one place, as amongst bitcoiners, be it on Bitcoin Twitter, IRL, or VR Bitcoin meetups.
The readiness to help within the Bitcoin space is simply overwhelming. It can be perceived as a toxic Honey Badger den by some, but if one enters with honest intentions, is humble as well as ready to learn from others, Bitcoiners are some of the most welcoming people. After meeting the Nodl team at a Bitcoin conference, I immediately got help from Ketominer setting up my first BTCPay Server and lightning node, which I was then able to integrate into my online store.
Hailing from a region ravaged by socialism, confiscation, hyperinflation, and war, Bitcoin seems like humanity's only alternative which could prevent these from constantly repeating on a large global scale. I very much agree with BitcoinTINA that "there is no alternative" other than Bitcoin.
As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. By visualizing complexity in a condensed, illustrative form, I hope to make Bitcoin memes more accessible to precoiners and Bitcoiners alike.
DYOR and don't trust, verify! Critical thinking is a must! And never forget, the world is heliocentric, not egocentric!
Some of My Work
Bitcoin Halving
Digital illustration commemorating the 3rd Bitcoin Halving and entering of the 4th epoch of bitcoin.
Bitcoin stickers
Bitcoin gobbling up copious amounts of freshly printed fiat money from all around the globe.
Bitcoin Rabbit Hole
Falling down the Bitcoin rabbit hole is a defining moment in each Bitcoiner's journey. Concept sketch, sticker and 3D printed lithophane night light (collab with CryptoCloaks).
Bitcoin Honey Badger
The honey badger's incredible resilience represents bitcoin's DGAF attitude to all adversarial attacks to control or suppress it.
Bitko Yinowsky was born not quite so long ago, in a tucked away corner of the Internet somewhere in the Eastern European hinterland. Like in the case of many youngsters, efforts to control him are pretty much all in vain. His decentralised nature, limited supply, ability to thrive under adversarial conditions, as well as his insatiable appetite for all the fiat money printed out of thin air, scare the living daylights out of authorities.